Here I am again... jumping from http://kitchenfun.withti.com/, after i neglected that blog for a while ^_^, well I've been busy with my new hobby sewing, making stuff, crafting and soon i will open my real online shop and sell those product there, wohoo..!!.
I'm so glad i finally created my other blog tonight, and it's all about my Sewing and Craft i made, in the middle of the neighbor party with the loud music from their live band performance.
About this baby shoes..
This is my second attempt making the cloth baby shoes, after i browse around for the tutorial and pattern, finally i stumble over the blog called stardustshoes by Joanna Armour.
My first attempt was awful, i wasn't even think to take the picture of it, ha ha... to embarrassing!.
Using sleeper gripper for the bottom is actually not necessary, since its for newborn baby to 6 month old, i bought those from the nice shop called knitting cottage near my house, it cost about AU$9 for 2 sheets, made in USA. The fabric i used is called Aussie tribal poppin 100% cotton, got it from local spotlight, with matching colour spotty orange for the lining.
It needs lots of attention, detail and patience for me, because i have 3 year old busy girl, it's a bit hard to have quite time, i can only doing it when she's busy playing with by self. I seems to get clumsy sometimes, making lots of mistakes, ripped the material or sewing on the wrong directions *sigh* ... They're right, practice makes perfect. Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog.